Description (Service) |
This is a general overview of Sexual Assault and Domestic/Family Violence resources, serving Halton region
- In an emergency call 9-1-1 for police, fire and/or ambulance
- for emergency shelters in Halton and surrounding area, see listing BTN4778
- for 24/7 Crisis & Distress Services serving Halton, see listing BTN2466
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting (see full listing, BTN0483)
For children in need of care/protection, report to either:
Assaulted Women's Helpline
- 1-866-863-0511 or text #SAFE (#7233) on your Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile phone
- telephone crisis counselling, emotional support, information and referrals to emergency shelters, legal information and community services
- ages 16 and up
- see listing MET5691
Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline
- 1-833-900-1010
- confidential, victim-centered phone line and online chat connecting victims and survivors with social services, local emergency services including law enforcement, and transition and long-term supports/services
- also receives tips from the public
- human trafficking victims and those at risk of being trafficked, regardless of age
- see listing MET2053
- 1-877-336-2433 (1-877-FEMAIDE)
- provincial crisis line and confidential services for Francophone women who are victims or survivors of any form of violence or are in distress
- crisis intervention, support and referral to community agencies
- see listing MET4619
Halton Womens Place
- South Halton: 905-332-7892
- North Halton: 905-878-8555
- crisis lines and shelter for abused women and their dependent children, emergency transportation to shelter available
- see listing BTN2544
Ontario Network of Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Treatment Centres
- 1-855-628-7238
- 24-hour telephone line available to assist victims/survivors and service providers with service navigation
- See listing MET1757
SAVIS (Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services)
- 905-875-1555
- crisis line for all survivors of violence ages 16 and up
- free individual counselling and support services for friends and family members
- advocacy, support and accompaniment to Nina's Place, the police station and court
- see listing OAK2741
Seniors Safety Line
- 1-866-299-1011
- crisis and support line for seniors in Ontario who have experienced any type of abuse or neglect
- see listing MET5690
Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Program
- 1-866-887-0015
- multilingual support service for male survivors of sexual abuse, both recent and historical, and their family and friends
- Information and referral to community support services to meet long term needs including crisis and follow-up services
- see listing MET1911
Talking for Change
- 1-833-703-3303, Mon-Fri 12 noon-6 pm
- anonymous support by phone or chat for youth and adults concerned about their sexual thoughts, feelings or behaviour (online or offline) involving children
- see listing MET7300
Victim Support Line
- 1-888-579-2888
- multilingual Victim Support Line provides services to victims of crime across Ontario, in most languages spoken in the province
- Victims of crime and their families have access to a wide range of services, including counselling, financial assistance and other supports
- chat online
- see listing MET5466