This site was created to help Newcomers to Halton Region find community services in the area.

Categories have been created to make it easier to find helpful programs and services. You can start searching now using these categories.

All information on the site is written in English but can be translated wherever the Google Translate icon is available on a page. Click on the arrow to find your language in the list.

If you would prefer to talk to someone in your own language to receive help finding resources, just dial 2-1-1 on any phone. When you hear the recorded message, press ‘1’ and when you are connected to a Community Navigator, try to say the name of your language in English and an interpreter will be connected to the call so you can speak freely in your language of preference.

Search Categories

The search function for resources in a specific community is currently only available in English on the front page of the site. Search results can be translated wherever the Goolgle Translate icon is available on a page.

For more information on what to expect in the first few weeks of coming to Canada, see the Government of Canada’s publication – Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know.