You performed a search for:

  • Site name: Pine Glen Soccer Centre
  • Organization: Oakville Soccer Club, Pine Glen Soccer Centre
There are 2 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief) My List

Map RecordOakville Soccer Club

Map RecordOakville Soccer ClubOakville * over 12,000 registered members and over 2,000 volunteers * offers a variety of youth and adult soccer programs and opportunities for players Programs: * Youth Fall/Winter Indoor/ Summer Outdoor Soc ... [More] Add to List

Map RecordOakville Soccer Club, Pine Glen Soccer Centre, Breaking Barriers Program

Map RecordOakville Soccer Club, Pine Glen Soccer Centre, Breaking Barriers ProgramOakville Program introduces participants to the fundamentals of physical literacy and the sport of soccer * for youth with intellectual and/or physical disabilities * players will enjoy a comfortable and incl ... [More] Add to List

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